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PreventProREHAB: Injury Prevention & Post-Therapy Recovery


What is PreventProRehab? Implementing a preventive program for musculoskeletal injuries is crucial across various demographics, including individuals engaged in repetitive activities, athletes, and the general population. Such programs are essential for several reasons: Reducing Injury Occurrence: Musculoskeletal injuries can lead to pain, discomfort, and loss of function, affecting daily life and productivity. Enhancing Performance: Athletes and individuals involved in repetitive activities can benefit from preventive programs as they often focus on optimizing movement patterns, increasing strength, and enhancing flexibility. Promoting Longevity and Well-being: Musculoskeletal injuries can have long-term consequences, leading to chronic pain, disability, and reduced quality of life. Preventive programs not only aim to prevent immediate injuries but also contribute to long-term musculoskeletal health and overall well-being. Cost Savings: Musculoskeletal injuries result in significant healthcare costs, including medical expenses, rehabilitation, and loss of productivity. Empowering Individuals: Educating individuals about proper body mechanics, injury prevention strategies, and self-care techniques empowers them to take control of their musculoskeletal health.

You can also join this program via the mobile app.



PreventProRehab 10 PACK, $750.00


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Our Services


Independent contractor with a regular service schedule

Your company (PT office/ Gym/ Sport place/ Work place) contract In Motion service as independent contract at your place, for develop the services, with regular schedule and fees to be agreed


Independent contractor with a flexible service schedule

Your company (PT office/ Gym/ Sport place/ Work place) contract In Motion service as independent contract at your place, for develop the services, with a flexible schedule and fees to be agreed


One on one session

One on one session service develop at In Motion place with schedule and fees TBD. 

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